Saturday, September 6, 2008

Meeting Update #2 - Week of 2 September 2008

First of all, sorry about the late post. This week's been slightly crazy.

Second of all, for new members: We want to get to know you better. In order to accomplish this goal, we ask that you do one of two things. First, you can pick up a form at the ICU meeting on Tuesday and fill it out. Or, secondly, you can email us the info on the form - we would like your name, e-mail, a list of talents and interests, and a list of other organizations you participate in. This way, we can help you find the group(s) that best fit your personality. It also helps us coordinate screenings. For example, if you are involved with the Presbyterian Student Center, we would love you forever if you helped us set up a screening there. Or in your dorm. Or sorority/fraternity. Or anywhere else. Finally, it helps us make sure everybody is on the LISTSERV - our mass e-mail list.

We opened the meeting by watching the trailer for War/Dance. If you missed it (or just want to see it again), here you go:

After the trailer, Parker gave a quick update of the news from Uganda, available online here and here. A brief note on the news: I cannot stress the importance of staying up-to-date enough. Whether you're tabling, hosting a screening, or just talking to someone who has commented on the awesome IC shirt you're wearing (yes, it happens), knowing the latest breaking news is of inestimable worth.

Oh, yeah, and upcoming events.
  • On 10 September, we are working the Activities Fair. If you're walking around the fair, stop by and hang out for a little why. We'd love to see you.
  • On 11 September, we are hosting a screening of the Rough Cut in Brumby at 8 pm. This will be a blue card event, so if you're a freshman in Franklin, stop by, hang out, and work your way towards early registration. And bring your friends.
  • On 13 November, the Southeast Roadies from IC will be stopping by to show us the new documentary, Go!. This will also be a blue card event.
In addition, we have several things we are trying to set up: a Starbucks benefit concert, a date auction, and several bake sales. Talk to Nadia for more information and to volunteer.

One last note: We would like to thank Five Guys Burgers and Fries downtown for hosting the percentage night, as well as everybody who stopped by for dinner.


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