Saturday, August 16, 2008

Ugandan Children Work in Rock Quarries

Found this article from the Associated Press. An interesting look at life outside of northern Uganda, worth reading.


Stephen Batte works in a quarry under the blazing sun, chipping rocks into gravel with a homemade hammer. It's tiring, boring and dangerous.

Stephen is 9 years old, and has been on the rock pile since he was 4....


At the height of the 22-year conflict between the government and a brutal, shadowy rebel group called the Lord's Resistance Army, almost two million people fled. Most ended up in squalid government-controlled camps, but advocacy groups estimate that there are up to 600,000 in the cities.

A truce has enabled many of the camp-dwellers to go home, with food, tools and building materials provided by the government and aid groups. But the urban refugees don't qualify for help and have remained unregistered and invisible....


"I wish I could be helped," he said, picking at a large scab on his knee, "but I cannot see another life for me."


Post Script: Originally posted 1 June 2008 as "Life in Uganda"

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