Saturday, August 16, 2008

Street Fest - 'Twas Amazing

Hello all. Drew here.

For those who don't know, Saturday was ISL's Street Fest. And it was pretty cool. Clubs representing several different countries and cultures set up booths just across the street from the Arch and those of us in attendance were treated to music, dance, and fashion from around the world. Perhaps better than that was hanging out, enjoying the weather (which improved drastically as the afternoon progressed), and getting to meet people.

Which brings up an interesting point that I can make - for those who haven't gone tabling with us because they don't really know what they would say, worry not. It can be awkward at first, but after a few times of:

Drew (first time tabling): " of Invisible Children?"
Passer-by: "No, not really."
Drew: "Oh, um....well, the poster kind of...uh...explains it all."

you actually get pretty comfortable and end up having twenty-minute conversations (ok, not really that long, but it's possible) and you meet some of the coolest people around. So, tangent topics aside, you should definitely come tabling with us next semester. And hopefully, we'll have many opportunities for you to do so.

Anyway, back to Street Fest. They had snow cones. Free snow cones, yo.

I didn't do Street Fest last year - I don't know what I was doing, but I'm willing to bet that it wasn't as interesting. So, check it out next year.


Post Script: Originally Posted 15 April 2008

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